Management Mantras for Optimal Growth Event at RIC

A transformative event on focusing on “Management Mantras for Optimal Growth was held . Internationally Renowned speaker , author ,preacher Her Grace Radhika Krpa DD delivered insights into effective management strategies that drive growth and success based on Bhagwat Gita . She stressed on the importance of discipline, consistency , effective leadership and work life balance . The event featured esteemed guests, Chief Income Tax Commissioner Ms. Rolee Agarwal addressed the August audience including students and individuals of all age groups.

Radhika Kripa DD is a respected figure in the field of spirituality and life coaching . Her invaluable wisdom on how to navigate in testing business and personal times benefitted the attendees seeking to enhance their management and personal skills and achieve optimal growth in their respective fields.

In addition to Radhika Kripa DD’s keynote address, the event will featured other distinguished guests, including Mr . Saurabh Kakkar , Ms. Vinnie Kakkar, ms Shalini Sethi , Mr Vishnu mohan Jha , Mr Puneet chopra , ms shweta chopra .

“We were thrilled to host an event that promises to be a game-changer for individuals seeking to excel in management whether at home or in office said Ms. Shweta Chopra the organizer of the event .

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