A captivating talk session titled “Tales From The Wild” was held at Ashok Club, featuring the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests in Rajasthan, Arijit Banerji, an esteemed Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer renowned for his contributions to forest conservation and management. Drawing from his vast experience as the forest officer, Banerji shared his insights into the state’s rich wildlife, focusing on its diverse birds and critters. The session attracted wildlife and forest enthusiasts. Banerji began by reflecting on his childhood, recounting how it shaped him into a keen observer of nature. He spoke of spending hours watching birds and animals, observing their behavior, beauty, and interactions—an interest that later evolved into his life’s work.

Using an engaging presentation, Banerji took the audience on a journey through Rajasthan’s vibrant ecosystems, showcasing the variety of bird species such as the Lesser and Common Kestrel, Red-necked and Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, Tawny, Steppe, Eastern Imperial and White-tailed Eagle, among others. He also highlighted various critters like the Indian Desert Jird, Indian Hare, Indian Cobra, Rock Python, Bengal Monitor, Sloth Bear, Indian Hedgehog, and the Indian Grey Wolf, detailing their unique characteristics and the specific regions of Rajasthan they inhabit.

One of the key points Banerji emphasised was the need for technological advancements in investigating wildlife crimes, such as the illegal hunting of animals. He explained the importance of gathering evidence that clearly demonstrates the intent to harm or kill an animal, which is critical in securing convictions against poachers in court. The talk concluded with a Q&A session.

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